Every loan option is unique, and so are your finances. We’ll find the mortgage that best suits your situation and goals.
You aren’t settling for your first home, and you shouldn’t settle for a less-than-great mortgage process either.
After buying your previous home, you probably know that a competitive rate isn’t the only thing to look for
— but even seasoned homebuyers are often unsure of what those additional considerations entail. We’ll walk you through these considerations, such as best practices for getting your home into contract and the pros and cons of paying more to get a lower rate. A consultation is the only way to identify everything you need to consider and ensure you get your financing — and your house.
At AFG Mortgages INC, we worry about finding you the right loan and rate so that you don’t have to, freeing you up to focus on your work, family, and everything else you’re juggling. We’re always poised to move fast when the mortgage rates are right, and our many lenders and strong funding infrastructure lend security to our financing, so you never have to second-guess the stability of your loan.
Your financial situation is probably more complicated than it was when you bought your first home, which means that choosing the right mortgage will be, too.
Banks don’t recognize this, treating you like every other homebuyer, but AFG Mortgages Inc is different: You can expect a single point of contact who will be with you every step of the way, is available evenings and weekends, and will even help facilitate your financing by working with your real estate agent.
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